Eye strain can be when the eyes feel tired or irritated after focusing intensely on an activity like viewing a computer screen, reading a book, or driving a car for a long period of time. Eye strain is a common condition .it’s becoming even more frequent in this digital age. Eye strain caused by the use of digital devices is better known as Computer  Vision  Syndrome or  Digital Eyestrain. Prolonged Eyestrain or Eye irritation may be a sign of something more serious and should be discussed with your Doctor.

SOME SYMPTOMS OF EYE STRAIN INCLUDE- Headache, a sign of stress or emotional distress, or it can result from a medical disorder, such as migraine or high blood pressure, anxiety, or depression. Blurry Vision, loss of sharpness of eyesight, making objects appear out of focus and hazy.  Irritated eyes that may be red or feel dry. Neck strain, an injury to the muscles and tendons that support and move the head and neck.

CAUSES OF EYE STRAIN INCLUDE; The daily use of the digital screen for several hours at a time (The Vision Council reports that 87 percent of those in the United States use one or more digital devices in two hours a day ) The Report states that 76.5 percent of American children are looking at the screen for more than two hours a day. These children may experience the effects of eye strain or other conditions as a result of this digital device exposure. Other common causes of eye strain include; Focusing on a single task for a long time for a long length of time like reading, Being in an inadequately lit environment, either too dim or too bright. Feeling stressed or tired,  Experiencing poor vision or eye problems like dry eyes. Holding a digital device too far or too close to your eyes. Viewing a screen that doesn’t have properly adjusted lighting

SIMPLE THINGS YOU CAN DO TO PREVENT EYE STRAIN; Look away frequently – Eye strain occurs when you engage in a single activity for a long period of time without a break. You should shift your focus to something other than the activity every 20 minutes   What you focus on should be 20 feet away and you should look at it for at least 20 seconds. Position your screen –Make sure you are looking at your digital device at the correct distance and in the proper position. The screen should be a few feet away from your eyes, or about arm’s length. You should view the screen at the level of your eyes slightly below them. Find the right light –Lighting can cause eye strain. It can either be too dim or too bright, depending on the activity. The light should come from behind you if you are focusing intensely on something like reading. Dimming the lights may help reduce eye strain when watching T.V make sure the screens that you’re viewing are adequately lit as well. Wear proper eyewear-Consult your doctor to determine to need special eyewear to reduce eyestrain, You may even specialized lenses, devices, or eye therapy for the activity that causes strain. Certain coatings and tints for lenses may help your eyes, or you may find that you need to cut the wear contact lenses to help rest your eyes. If you experience eye strain that is severe or lasts a long time, discuss the condition with your doctor. You may need corrective lenses, or it could be a symptom of a more serious condition.

WHO’S AT RISK FOR EYESTRAIN; Spending a great amount of time on a focused activity puts you at risk for eyestrain. You may have an increased risk for eyestrain if you work on the computer as a part of your job .Children who spend lengthy amounts of time on digital devices may also experience eyestrain or other conditions, such as irritability or behavior problems.
Maintaining your eye health is key to reducing more serious vision problems in the future. You should see your doctor annually to have your eyes checked, especially if you experience frequent or long-lasting eyestrain. If you find out you have symptoms of eyestrain, implement some methods to reduce eyestrain or prevent it altogether. If you find that these approaches don’t help you eyestrain, consult your doctor.